It was so wonderful to chat with most of the parents yesterday over the phone. I am so happy that everyone from our class is healthy and doing well at home. If we didn't get a chance to connect please feel free to email me so that we can!
The teachers are busy learning how to use Google Classroom and Google Meets to support learning moving forward. I should have an update for all the parents again by Friday. The show must go on!
In the meantime... Here are some helpful tricks that might make living in your house a bit easier. Hats off to you parents during this very tricky time... You are all rockstars!
1. Come up with a "schedule" for the day.
Kids thrive off of routines and predictability. Sit down with them and create a little schedule for each day and talk to them about what they can expect. Kids enjoy getting to be a part of this process too. Build in some movement breaks, snacks and down time. I'm sure everyone needs that right now! There is no perfect routine, whatever works best for your family IS the perfect routine right now.
Here are some ideas of things you can include in your routine:
- silent reading
- parent reading
- math
- building
- screen time
- movie watching (Can you share the main idea or tell you what they learned? Maybe you want to take some jot notes or put the events into a story plan afterwards)
- baking (Talk about how it's important to follow instructions. Maybe you want to write out the steps first?)
- journalling about your day
- quiet time (This down time for kids can be SO important. Make sure to talk about what this would look like and some appropriate activities that can be done during this time)
- question of the day
- playing outside
- chores (Teach your child to use the vacuum, mop or wipe the counters. Maybe this is their ticket to a little bit of extra "fun" time)
- board games
- puzzles
- body breaks (Going for a walk, playing in the backyard, yoga - the kids LOVE cosmic kids for this- you can find it on YouTube)
- mindfulness (Taking a minute at the beginning of the day, or at certain times of the day when you just need to collect yourself and take a few deep breaths... Cosmic Kids has some of these, and there are a few apps ($) such as Calm and HeadSpace that provide this as well!)
2. Access Codes
Here is the class code for GetEpic: GXS8281
Students are very familiar with this and should be able to read on their own with this app. You are able to change the "levels" of reading by clicking on this icon below that says GRL.
Most parents are familiar with their child's home reading level, but if you need any clarification please let me know and I can help you out with that!
Prodigy: FBOO7
If the class code for Prodigy is not working for you please email me and I can share your child's direct log in and password.
Most importantly, please take care of yourselves. These are trying times... Everyday seems to bring new challenges and I know that while we, as adults, can process these changes, I know many children are having a difficult time understanding why the world is the way it is right now. I am hoping to connect with all of the students, and to connect them all together, in the coming weeks. I sure am missing them, and I've heard that a lot of the students are missing their peers. Building these relationships during these uncertain times will be at the top of my priority list once we get Google Classroom and Google Meets up and running. In the meantime, give all of your kiddos a hug from me and let them know that I am thinking about them! Thank you to the parents who have shared photos or videos of what you have been up to. Keep 'em coming! :)