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Weekly Learning

Addition to 100 
We have been working hard on understanding different strategies to add numbers to 100. Here are some that the students are getting really good at: 
- breaking apart 
- Base 10 blocks 
- stacking 
- carrying over (still working on this!) 

To help your child become more proficient with their addition consider working for 5-10 minutes at home on their understanding of basic facts. Usually when there are holes in their understanding of strategies it comes back to holes in knowledge of basic facts. Working on adding numbers from 0-20 will really help them!

Here are a few ways to work on this: 

Race to 100
- 100s chart (with or without numbers) ** optional!
- 1 dice 

Roll the dice to get a starting number on the 100s chart. Once each person has a starting number roll the dice again and add it to the starting number. The first one to 100 wins! 

Try not to "count on" or use your fingers for this game. 

As an extra challenge, don't use a 100s chart at all and try to do it just in your head visualizing the numbers. 

You can fill in the numbers on the 100s chart for extra practice :) 

Race to the Sum 
- cards with numbers 1-7 on them 
- template (see below)

Mix the cards and deal each person (2 player) 7 cards. Each player tries to use the cards to create the biggest sum. You don't have to use all the cards, but you can only use the numbers that you have to create the sum! For example, if you get the numbers 2, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 1

It might look something like this! 

+ 21

Race against your partner to see who can make a larger sum. 

Thinking Routines - Guess My Number
Students have been working on the thinking strategy "Guess My Number" this week. It is just as simple as it sounds... Giving clues to try and guess a number! In Grade 2 we are using numbers between 1-100 for this learning task. We have been talking about different mathematical words that we can use that would help someone guess a number: 
- ones 
- tens 
- bigger than 
- smaller than
- odd
- even
- ____ + ____ =
- ____ more than
- ____ less than

Here are some student examples with a variety of numbers:
Tyson's great work!
Ethan's great work! 

Cali's great work! 

Try this out at home with your child! Here is a website that can help you "warm up":

Addition - Stacking 
We have started to learn about a new addition strategy - stacking! This is where you line up the ones and the tens to add them. This is a super important part of this strategy! We will not be doing addition questions with "carry overs" yet so if you are practicing at home please practice using numbers that add to less than 10. Once we are used to this new strategy, we will start learning about "carrying over" and why it is important that we do that. 

This stacking strategy is also a great way to practice facts up to 10. This is a review from Grade 1 and the beginning of Grade 2. Here are some ways to practice your facts at home: 
- making 10 song 
- number buddies 
- doubles (+1 and -1) 
- flash cards 
- cards games 

If you feel like your child needs more practice with this and you would like extra resources, please let Miss Nettleton know. 

Word Work for EE/EA 
This week's word work is for your child to sort words at home. Get them to explain what CVC, CVVE - ee, CVVC - ea and Oddballs are to you first. This is new for the students this week!

They are learning about the EE and EA vowel combination. This combination says the long E sound. Ask your child to sort the below words into the following categories:
next, seem, sweep, eat, clean, been, web, keep, teeth, heat, weak, less, green, feet, team, leaf, set, sleep, week, speak, teach. 

A great conversation to have at home is about homonyms - words that sound the same but are spelt different and mean different things. Here is a great example from these week's words: weak, week.

Growing Pattern Practice 
We have been hard at work learning about growing patterns. Check out the patterns below and try to solve them. We have been practicing using a T chart to solve these problems to help keep our information organized. 
1. Figure out what the rule is. How many is the pattern growing by each time?
2. Fill in the information in the T chart.
3. See if there are any other questions that need to be answered. The answers are always in the T chart!

Word Work for AI 
This week's word work homework is for your child to sort words at home. Get them to explain what CVC, CVCe, CVVC and Oddballs are to your first. We have practiced this lots at school! 

They are learning about the AI vowel combination. This combination says the long A sound. Ask your child to sort the below words into the following categories: 
black, rash, space, rain, said, want, tail, main, blame, camp, frame, flash, paint, train, brain, air, place, mane, tale

They can do a few words each day, or they can do them all. Decide what works best for your family and your child's learning style.

If this is an easy task for your child, have them jot down AI words as they are reading every night. Then get them to sort those words. You will be amazed at home many AI words there are!

If you have any questions please email Miss Nettleton. 

There won't be any more homework until the New Year. Enjoy the time with your families! 

Science - December 4th 
This week's homework is to log into IRIS and watch your child's insulator video. In their green folder they have a target with descriptors and a place to write a "next step" at the bottom. Please watch the video and have your child reflect on how they think they did. They can colour this in on the rubric. Then please have them write a "next step" as a part of their reflection of something they could improve on for next time.

Your child's log in information is located at the top of their page in their green folder.

Math - November 27th 
This weeks homework is based on the learning we have been doing in the classroom with 2D and 3D shapes as well as the CUBES problem solving strategy.
Students have been working on identifying and counting the vertices, edges and faces of 3D shapes. This is what they need to do for this weeks homework.
We have also been working on using the CUBES strategy to solve word problems in math.
C - circle the important numbers
U - underline the question
B - box the math action words
E - evaluate and write the math sentence
S - solve!

Math- November 20th 
This weeks homework is a review of many things we have been learning over the last few months:
- What Makes Ten and Number Buddies
- Even and Odd numbers
- Doubles
- Representing numbers using Base 10 blocks
- Identifying Ones and Tens

This weeks homework should help to inform you of what your child is doing well with in math, what they are remembering and any areas that they may need more support in.

If you would like additional ways to practice these skills please email Miss Nettleton. 

Math - November 13th 

Step 1:
Break apart both numbers using place value (ones and tens!)

Step 2:
Add the tens together (40 + 30)
** If this is tricky for you, look at the first number and think 4 + 3 = 7... so 40 + 30 = 70.

Step 3:
Add the ones together (3 + 3)
** Adding the ones together SHOULD BE EASY! We have learned so many different strategies this year to add numbers to 20. We have learned: number buddies. doubles, making 10. If your child does not know these quickly please continue to work on them at home... Or else math is going to get VERY tricky for you :(

Step 4: 
Add the tens and ones together to get the final answer (70 + 6) 

Step 5: 
Make sure you write the answer to complete the number sentence 
(43 + 33 = 76) 

Spelling Homework & Math Homework - October 23rd

We have been learning about breaking apart numbers in Grade 2. This helps students understand the many different ways that you can add to the same number. It also helps with the fluency of their mental math skills and practice many different strategies.

This week students need to show at least 2 different ways to add to the numbers written on the page. They can use doubles, place value (10 + __ ), adding 1 to a number or show any other way to 'make' the number. If 2 different ways is easy for your child, challenge them by showing 3 or 4 ways or using more 'addends' (numbers to add with) e.g. instead of 4 + 4 = 8 your child write 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 8.

We are also starting to learn about blends in word work. It is important for children to recognize blends in reading and writing so they can sound out words with ease. Sometimes these letter groupings say a completely different sound then the individual letters eg. th, sh, ch.

Spelling & Math - October 16th

 This week's math homework is about doubles and place value. Students are learning about doubles at school and we have been talking about place value (ones and tens) for a few weeks now.

It is very important that when students are writing the answer to their doubles addition question that they pay attention to writing the answer using proper place value.

If students need to put a box (or two!) around the numbers using place value that is a great strategy!

Here is an example of how we would except to see the number 20 written using proper place value.

If your child finds the first few questions easy, they can try the bottom challenge questions. These are doubles + 1 addition questions. Please make sure you are writing the numbers using proper place value!

This week's spelling homework focuses on rhyming words and short vowels. We have been hard at work learning the short and long vowel sounds to help our reading and spelling at school. Rhyming words also help to reinforce beginning reading and spelling skills.

Math Homework - October 9th 

Math Homework - October 2nd 

"You have to use the ones and tens" - Sarah

"Look at the tens first" - Raya

"The blank lines mean you have to write a number there" - Tyson

"After the tens you have to see what goes in the ones place" - Mila

"Make sure you write the tens first and then the ones" - Hudson

"The tens go in front of the ones" - Oliver

"You have to do ALL of the questions" - Addison

"You have to look at the number after the = to see which number it is to fill in the tens and ones" - Adaya

Spelling Words - September 30th 


This week try practicing writing each word in a sentence. Make sure you have a capital at the beginning and a . at the end! 

Math Homework - September 25th 

"You have to count the tens and the ones" - Leo

"You can color them different colors to help you recognize the tens and ones" - Ethan

"At the bottom you do your own and let your mom or dad figure it out" - Raya

"You can also let your friend figure it out!" - Addison

 "The biggest number you can make is 99" - Leo

Spelling Words - Week 3

Math Homework - September 18th 

This week's homework continues to strengthen students' understanding of numbers from 1-100.

1) Students fill in the 100s chart using any strategy they would like. We have practiced this in many different ways in the classroom. See the Student Work tab for some different examples.

2) Students identify 3 different patterns. These can be any patterns they want! Challenge yourself. Use different colors to identify the different patterns. This visual helps the students see the pattern within the chart.

3) Fill in the pattern numbers on the right hand side of the sheet. Students should also practice explaining to someone at their house the pattern rule, and how they know it is correct.

Here is an example of the homework that we completed together in class. 

Spelling Words - Week 2 

We learned a new game this week called "unscramble." Ask your child how to play this game to practice their words! 

Math Homework - September 11th 

1) Read the blog! 

2) Get 3 pencil crayons (or markers, or whatever you have at home to color) 

3) Color the odd numbers BLUE

4) Color the even numbers RED

5) Count from 20-40 by 2s and color them in BLACK

Challenge! Practice counting forwards and backwards by 2s, 5s and 10s. 


Spelling Words - September 9th


Click HERE for some fun ways to practice spelling words. 

In grade 2 it is recommended that students complete between 5-10 minutes each night. In our classroom this will be completed through nightly reading, math and/or spelling. 

Weekly math homework will be due weekly on Wednesdays.

For more information please see:

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