6 - March Scholastic orders due
17 - GREEN DAY (feel free to wear green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day)
19 - 1/2 day (noon dismissal)
19 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00pm-7:00pm
20 - No School
20 - Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00am-12:00pm
23, 24, 25, 26, 27 - No school (Spring Break!!!)
30 - School Resumes
6 - mini talent show (in music class)
11- Glenbow Field Trip
12 - Grade 2/4 Talent Show
12 - February Scholastic Orders Due
12 - Valentine's Day in class (if your child will be handing out Valentine cards please make sure there are enough for every child - 25 children in our classroom)
13 - No School (Teachers Convention)
14 - No School (Teachers Convention)
17 - No School (Family Day)
6 - School begins
17 - Lion King forms due
23 - Fun Lunch (Taco Time)
31 - PD Day (no school for students)
2 - Scholastic Book Orders Due ** in order to receive them before Christmas break
10 - Grade 2 Christmas Concert
18 - Fun Snack
19 - Noon Dismissal (Christmas Break Begins!)
Report Cards Sent Home
20 - PD Day (no school for students)
1 - PD Day (no school for students)
6 - Leighton Art Centre In-School Field Trip
8 - Remembrance Day Assembly
11 - Remembrance Day (no school)
12 - Miss S arrives! (our student teacher)
13 - November Scholastic Orders are due
14 - Nunavut supplies are due
21 - Noon Dismissal
Parent Teacher Conferences 4pm-7pm
22 - Parent Teacher Conferences 8am-12pm
29 - PD Day (no school for students)
11 - PD Day (no school for students)
14 - Thanksgiving Day (no school for anyone!)
18 - October Scholastic Orders are due
31 - Halloween (costumes worn in PM only)
3 - First Day of School
5 - Meet the Teacher Night (5:00-6:00pm)
19 - Noon Dismissal
Parent Teacher Conferences (5:00-8:00pm)
20 - No School
Parent Teacher Conferences (8:00am-12:00pm)
25 - Terry Fox Run (1:30pm)
Parents and guardians are welcome to join us on the field at 1:45pm
25 - September Scholastic Book Orders Due
26 - Picture Day
6 - March Scholastic orders due
17 - GREEN DAY (feel free to wear green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day)
19 - 1/2 day (noon dismissal)
23, 24, 25, 26, 27 - No school (Spring Break!!!)
30 - School Resumes
6 - mini talent show (in music class)
11- Glenbow Field Trip
12 - Grade 2/4 Talent Show
12 - February Scholastic Orders Due
12 - Valentine's Day in class (if your child will be handing out Valentine cards please make sure there are enough for every child - 25 children in our classroom)
13 - No School (Teachers Convention)
14 - No School (Teachers Convention)
17 - No School (Family Day)
6 - School begins
17 - Lion King forms due
23 - Fun Lunch (Taco Time)
31 - PD Day (no school for students)
2 - Scholastic Book Orders Due ** in order to receive them before Christmas break
10 - Grade 2 Christmas Concert
18 - Fun Snack
19 - Noon Dismissal (Christmas Break Begins!)
Report Cards Sent Home
20 - PD Day (no school for students)
1 - PD Day (no school for students)
6 - Leighton Art Centre In-School Field Trip
8 - Remembrance Day Assembly
11 - Remembrance Day (no school)
12 - Miss S arrives! (our student teacher)
13 - November Scholastic Orders are due
14 - Nunavut supplies are due
21 - Noon Dismissal
Parent Teacher Conferences 4pm-7pm
22 - Parent Teacher Conferences 8am-12pm
29 - PD Day (no school for students)
11 - PD Day (no school for students)
14 - Thanksgiving Day (no school for anyone!)
18 - October Scholastic Orders are due
31 - Halloween (costumes worn in PM only)
3 - First Day of School
5 - Meet the Teacher Night (5:00-6:00pm)
19 - Noon Dismissal
Parent Teacher Conferences (5:00-8:00pm)
20 - No School
Parent Teacher Conferences (8:00am-12:00pm)
25 - Terry Fox Run (1:30pm)
Parents and guardians are welcome to join us on the field at 1:45pm
25 - September Scholastic Book Orders Due
26 - Picture Day